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Customer Complaint Ontology

The "Address" module

Final Draft 21 May 2005

The diagram below shows the Address module. The concept ‘Contact Details’, which is a channel of communication, is attributed by both ‘Name’ and ‘Address’. An ‘Address’ must be either an ‘Electronic Address’ or a ‘Mailing Address’. An ‘electronic Address’ can be either a ‘Web Site’, ‘Telephone’, ‘eMail’, or ‘Fax’. A ‘Mailing Address’ can have all the traditional information of postal addresses in the European Union.

For the definition of each vocabulary in this diagram please see the CC-Glossary. Notice that according to our ontology design, each relation in this diagram is a lexon in the CC-Lexons; this methodological principle is called Ontology double-articulation.

This module is represented using the ORM graphical notation. The verbalization (i.e. the pseudo-natural-language reading) of the rules in this diagram, and the ORM markup (i.e. the XML-based serialization) of this diagram can be found below.

Remark: The notion of ‘Address’ can be specified in many different ways , especially since each country has its own postal information structure. Hence, this “Address” module is considered an “unsteady” module, and should be replaced by a more sophisticated module – one that does, for example, consider the compatibility with online national, European, or international address servers, such as AFD, Post Direkt, or UPS.


ORM representation


Each Contact Details must comprises at least one Address. (Mandatory)
Each Mailing Address must has at least one Country. (Mandatory)
Each Mailing Address must has at most one Country. (Uniqueness)
Each Electronic Address should be either Fax or Web Site or eMail or Telephone. (Exclusive)
Each Address should be either Electronic Address or Mailing Address. (Exclusive)
Each Address must be at least Mailing Address or Electronic Address. (Totality)

ORM Markup: