Customer Complaint OntologyThe "Address" moduleFinal Draft 21 May 2005The diagram below shows the Address module. The concept ‘Contact Details’, which is a channel of communication, is attributed by both ‘Name’ and ‘Address’. An ‘Address’ must be either an ‘Electronic Address’ or a ‘Mailing Address’. An ‘electronic Address’ can be either a ‘Web Site’, ‘Telephone’, ‘eMail’, or ‘Fax’. A ‘Mailing Address’ can have all the traditional information of postal addresses in the European Union. For the definition of each vocabulary in this diagram please see the CC-Glossary. Notice that according to our ontology design, each relation in this diagram is a lexon in the CC-Lexons; this methodological principle is called Ontology double-articulation. This module is represented using the ORM graphical notation. The verbalization (i.e. the pseudo-natural-language reading) of the rules in this diagram, and the ORM markup (i.e. the XML-based serialization) of this diagram can be found below. Remark: The notion of ‘Address’ can be specified in many different ways , especially since each country has its own postal information structure. Hence, this “Address” module is considered an “unsteady” module, and should be replaced by a more sophisticated module – one that does, for example, consider the compatibility with online national, European, or international address servers, such as AFD, Post Direkt, or UPS. Diagram:Verbalization:
ORM Markup: