The OOA Kick-off workshop on
Semantic challenges and opportunities in the Human Resources Domain
. Oxford –October 11, 2006
As part of the ePortfolio conference





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The OOA is an international not-for-profit organization that consists of industry, government, and research leaders and innovators with respect to ontology development, use, or education. The general mission of the OOA is to develop strategies for ontology recommendation and standardization, and thereby promote the ontology technology to industry. The OOA is mainly content-oriented rather than only technology-oriented. The OOA is a KnowledgeWeb initiative. KnowledgeWeb (FP6-507482) is a European-funded network of excellence and the world’s largest coordinated research effort on Semantic Web Technology and on ontology in particular.

The OOA is organized as a number of domain chapters and working groups. A domain chapter is responsible for implementing the OOA mission in a vertical market sector; Examples are HR, eHealth, financial, legal, etc. A working group focuses on a certain issue that is horizontal for several or all domain chapters; Examples are Ontology Evaluation and Quality, Upper-Level Ontologies, etc.

The OOA-HR Chapter:
The HR domain has many facets. But one particular view on HR is fast becoming the motor for serious change. Competency-centric HR is not only reaching a great number of traditional HR processes, it is also the start for a new wave of change in the labor market as a whole. Programs such as ‘Matching on Competencies’ (MoC, replacing the traditional Job-CV matching), Mobility@Work and competency driven qualifications, and even competency based exit strategies, form the basis for competencies to readily become the common currency of the European labor market.
The mission of the HR chapter is to promote semantics technology into HR/e-learning standards and applications:

• Semantic interoperability
• HR upper level concepts
• Semantics of HR-XML
• Semantic metadata for HR applications
• Semantics in job matching
• Semantics in learning technologies
• Modeling and representation of: Jobs, CVs, Competencies, Skills, Employees, People, Organizations, Social Events, etc.
• Multilinguality in human resources ontologies
• Best practice and semantic patterns in ontology modeling and evaluation.

The goal of this workshop is bring people for the HR and from the Ontology communities to discuss semantics challenges and opportunities in the HR domain.


Mustafa Jarrar, STARLab, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Venue: The workshop will take place at the Kings Center, which offers modern facilities in a unique Oxford setting. To learn more about the Kings Center see their website:

Kings Center, Osney Mead,
Oxford, OX2 0ES



Update on the ePortfolio plans and activities, Serge Ravet and Marc Van Coillie,


Session 1: Introduction and Updates


Welcome and Introduction, Prof. Robert Meersman, STARLab, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium


The Ontology Outreach Advisory, Dr. Mustafa Jarrar, STARLab, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

  Session 2: Semantics and Competency frameworks
Session chair:
Luk Vervenne


Skills Ontologies, Prof. Christophe Roche, Université de Savoie, France


The IEEE competency framework standard, Claude Ostyn, IEEE-LTSC


The Skillsnet plans and activities, Michael Brown, Skillsnet.Com

  Session 3: Interoperability Challenges
Session chair:
Christophe Roche


The need for a semantic layer toping the HR standards, Luk Vervenne, Synergetics, Belgium


Challenges in competency exchange and job-matching, Jean-Claude Xheneumont, Le Forem, the Walloon employment agency, Belgium


Challenges in Semantic based Job-matching, Theo Mensen, CWI, The Dutch employment agency, Netherlands


13:00 Lunch buffet


Plenary session:
Shoot out – solving an ePortfolio challenge 3 platforms demonstrate how they implement a real life ePortfolio scenario

  Session 4: Demos
Session chair:
Michael Brown


An e-learning ontology, Dr. Marco Ronchetti, University of Trento, Italy


Semantic Metadata Extraction using GATE, Dr. Diana Maynard, University of Sheffield, UK


Competences assessment based on semantic network. Clementina Marinoni, Fondazione Politecnico di Milano, Italy


An Ontological Approach to Competency Translation. Karsten Lundqvist, University of Reading, UK


Session 5: Open Discussion

Session chair: Mustafa Jarrar

16:00  Coffee break


Conclusions and close

We agreed to team up as the HR semantics community, apply for collaborative projects, etc. But we agreed to first write an HR semantics Roadmap to identify the challenges, opportunities, main players, existing tools, projects, etc. This roadmap will published by the OOA, and used as reference for both the HR community and the Semantic web community.