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Mustafa Jarrar
Full Professor
Computer Science, Birzeit University

Keynotes and Featured Talks

  1. Arabic NLP Resources and Tools (Video). Invited Talk. Doha Institute Webinars. 15/10/2024
  2. Palestinian Academia: Stories of Research and Education under Israeli Occupation (Video - slides). Invited Talk. Scientists-For-Palestine Webinars. 24/4/2024
  3. SALMA: Arabic Sense-Annotated Corpus and WSD Benchmarks (Video - Article - slides). Research Talk. The First Arabic Natural Language Processing Conference (ArabicNLP 2023) - part of EMNLP-2023, Singapore. 7/12/2023
  4. Nabra: Syrian Arabic Dialects with Morphological Annotations (Video - Article - slides). Research Talk. The First Arabic Natural Language Processing Conference (ArabicNLP 2023) - part of EMNLP-2023, Singapore. 7/12/2023
  5. ArBanking77: Intent Detection Neural Model and a New Dataset in Modern and Dialectical Arabic (Video - Article - slides - Poster). Research Talk. The First Arabic Natural Language Processing Conference (ArabicNLP 2023) - part of EMNLP-2023, Singapore. 7/12/2023
  6. Arabic Fine-Grained Entity Eecognition (Video - Article - slides). Research Talk. The First Arabic Natural Language Processing Conference (ArabicNLP 2023) - part of EMNLP-2023, Singapore. 7/12/2023
  7. WojoodNER 2023: The First Arabic Named Entity Recognition Shared Task (Video - Article - slides - Poster). Research Talk. The First Arabic Natural Language Processing Conference (ArabicNLP 2023) - part of EMNLP-2023, Singapore. 7/12/2023
  8. Lisan: Yemeni, Iraqi, Libyan, and Sudanese Arabic Dialect Corpora with Morphological Annotations (Article - slides). Research Talk. The 20th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA), Cairo. 4/12/2023
  9. Offensive Hebrew Corpus and Detection using BERT (Article - slides). Research Talk. The 20th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA), Cairo. 4/12/2023
  10. Arabic Language Understanding Tools (slides). Featured Keynote. UM6P NLP Day, Morocco. 28/11/2023
  11. Academic Integrity and Publication Challenges (video - Facebook - AlHadath). Chair. Birzeit University Seminars, 2023
  12. On ChatGPT and Larage Language Models (video - slides). Invited Talk. Birzeit University Seminars - ChatGPT in Academia, 2023
  13. A Benchmark and Scoring Algorithm for Enriching Arabic Synonyms (Article - slides). Research Talk. The 12th International Global Wordnet Conference (GWC2023), San Sebastian, Spain, 2023
  14. Context-Gloss Augmentation for Improving Arabic Target Sense Verification. (Article - slides). Research Talk. The 12th International Global Wordnet Conference (GWC2023), San Sebastian, Spain, 2023
  15. Arabic Natural Language Understanding as a Sustainable AI Research (Program - slides - video). Invited Talk. The e-AGE21 international Confernce, Online, 14/12/2021
  16. Building Lexicographic Database for MSA and dialects (Confernce - slides). Featured Keynote. The e-AGE21 international Confernce, Online, 28/9/2021
  17. Linguistic Ontologies for Knowledge Graphs (slides ). Invited Talk. FIP WG 2.6 Database Seminars, 21/1/2021
  18. Extracting Synonyms from Bilingual Dictionaries (Article - slides - video). Research Talk. The 11th Global Wordnet Conference. South Africa 21/1/2021
  19. Linguistic Ontologies and Wordnets (slides - video). Invited Speaker. The 11th Global Wordnet Conference. South Africa 18/1/2021
  20. Building the Largest Arabic-Multilingual Lexicographic Database (media - Lecture - video). Featured Keynote. Shoman Cultural Forum - Abdul Hameed Shoman Foundation. Amman, Jordan 10/3/2020
  21. Computer Science Research under Israeli Occupation -my Story (Program). Keynote Speaker. The 3rd International Meeting for Science in Palestine. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Boston, USA 11/1/2020
  22. NLP Tools and Resources for Understanding Arabic Content (news). Keynote Speaker. Understanding Internet Content Symposium - Birzeit University. Palestine 24/7/2019
  23. Social Media Analysis for Peace Invited Talk. The United Nations AI for Peace and Security Workshop, Alan Turing Institute. London, UK 24/7/2019
  24. An Arabic-Multilingual Database with a Lexicographic Search Engine (slides). Research Talk. The 24th International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems (NLDB). Manchester, UK 26/6/2019
  25. Representing Arabic Lexicons in Lemon - a Preliminary Study (poster - article). Research Poster. The 2nd Conference on Language, Data and Knowledge (LDK). Leipzig, Germany 23/5/2019.
  26. Big Linguistic Data Graph (slides - video). Invited Talk. The First Arabic Speech Workshop. Qatar 29/4/2019
  27. Innovative Lexicographic Search Engine (program). Lightning Talk. The 2019 NYUAD International Hackathon for Social Good in the Arab World. Abu Dhabi 25/4/2019
  28. Lexicographic Search Engine (news). Winner Lightning Talk. Ceremony of the Mohammed Bin Rashid Award for Arabic Language. Dubai 11/4/2019
  29. Building a Big Linguistic Data Graph for Arabic Natural Language Processing (program). Featured Keynote. The 6th Arab Women in Computing Annual International conference. Rabat, Morocco 8/3/2019
  30. The Arabic Ontology and Lexicons (video - media). Featured Keynote. Renaissance Forum - The Arab Renaissance for Democracy and Development. Amman, Jordan 21/2/2019
  31. Eight Years of Research Make Its Debut (ceremony - media - media). Featured Keynote. The Launching Ceremony of the Arabic Ontology and the Lexicographic Search Engine. Birzeit University. Palestine 25/9/2018
  32. Search Engine for Arabic Lexicons (article - program). Research Talk. The 5th Conference on Translation and the Problematics of Cross-cultural Understanding. The Forum for Arab and International Relations. Qatar. 12/12/2018
  33. The Arabic Ontology and Lexical Semantic Resources (program). Keynote Speaker. The INFOL@NGUES 2018 Conference Beja, Tunisia 2018
  34. Classifying Processes and Basic Formal Ontology (slidesshare - slides). Research Talk. The International Conference on Biomedical Ontology (ICBO). Newcastle, UK 2017
  35. Clustering Arabic Tweets for Sentiment Analysis (slidesshare). Research Talk. 2017 IEEE/ACS 14th International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications. IEEE Computer Society. Hammamet, Tunisia 2017
  36. Arabic Ontology Engineering (tutorial). Tutorial. The 2017 IEEE/ACS 14th International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications. IEEE Computer Society. Hammamet, Tunisia 2017
  37. e-Government for Better Migration Governance - The Status in Palestine, Jordan and Lebanon. Invited Talk. The Sub-Regional Workshop on Migration Governance, EUROMED Migration IV. Amman, Jordan 11/10/2017
  38. Medical Terminology in the Arabic Ontology Invited Talk. Hi-Cure workshop. Lisbon Portugal 12/4/2016
  39. Zinnar - The e-Government Interoperability Framework (slides - Zinnar - Summit Page). Keynote Speaker. Summit On ICT-enabled Governance, and the The 4th International Summer School On Open and Collaborative Governance. Samos, Greece 2015
  40. Government Semantics For Data and Services (video P1 - P2). Invited Talk. Government Course, Tallinn University of Technology. Estonia 29/9/2015
  41. Advances in ICT. Panel Chair. The First National Forum for Innovators - Higher Council for Innovation & Excellence, Palestine 12/9/2015
  42. The Arabic Ontology. Invited Talk. American University of Beirut, Lebanon 3/9/2015
  43. On Computer Science Trends and Priorities in Palestine (slideshare - Slides). Keynote Speaker. Workshop on IT Research Trends and Priorities. The Islamic University of Gaza. Palestine 28/3/2015
  44. Lessons Learned from Class Recording and Publishing of Eight Online Courses (Slides). Invited Talk. Workshop on e-learning in Higher Education. Birzeit University. Palestine 6/12/2014
  45. Future Internet in Horizon 2020 Calls (slides). Keynote Speaker. The 1st ICT Networking Event. Amman, Jordan 13/10/2014
  46. Fund-raising and Participation Opportunities in EU Programs. Invited Talk. Workshop on Fund-raising and Participation in EU projects. Palestinian Technical University, Tulkarim 3/9/2014
  47. Towards Developing an e-Governance Interoperability Framework at Palestinian Universities. Keynote Speaker. Workshop on e-Governance at Palestinian Universities. Al-Quds Open University. Tulkarim 1/6/2014
  48. Recommendations for Writing a Comparative Proposal and Networking with International Scientists. Invited Talk. Workshop on Fund raising and Participation in EU projects. Arab American University in Jenin. Palestine 12/2/2014
  49. Web 3.0 and Semantic Web. Keynote Speaker. The Tech-con2 - Developers Day. Ramallah, Palestine 12/10/2013
  50. Ontologizing Dictionaries and Lexical Database (program). Keynote Speaker. The Arab-Term Workshop, at the German-Jordanian University. Jordan 15/9/2013
  51. Building a Formal Arabic Ontology (article - program). Research Talk. The 2nd International conference on Arabic Language. UAE 8/5/2013
  52. Writing a Competitive Proposal Highlights from the e-Government Academy Project (video1 - video2). Keynote Speaker. The 2013 EU Tempus Information Day. Ramallah, Palestine 16/1/2013
  53. Europe-Palestine Research Cooperation —Ongoing Projects at Sina Institute at Birzeit University (video). Keynote Speaker. The 2nd International Platform on Integrating Arab e-Infrastructure in Global Environment (e-AGE), Arab States Research and Education Network (ASREN). Dubai 13/12/2012
  54. Zinnar - The e-Government Interoperability Framework (video - program). Keynote Speaker. The First National Conference on e-Governance and e-Services. Palestine 27/6/2012
  55. Building a Formal Arabic Ontology (article - slides). Invited Talk. The Experts Meeting on Arabic Ontologies and Semantic Networks. ALECSO, Arab League. Tunisia 26-28/6/2011
  56. The Palestinian Government Ontology (article - slides). Invited Talk. The Experts Meeting on Arabic Ontologies and Semantic Networks. ALECSO, Arab League. Tunisia 26-28/6/2011
  57. Ontology-Based Data and Process Governance Framework —The Case of e-Government Interoperability in Palestine (article - slides). Research Talk. The IFIP International Symposium on Data-Driven Process Discovery and Analysis (SIMPDA). Campione, Italy 30/6/2011
  58. Ontology-Based Data Governance (article - slides). Invited Talk. The eGovernance Workshop, at the Ministry of Telecommunication and Information Technology. Palestine 28/6/2011
  59. Arabic Ontology Engineering —Research Challenges and Opportunities (article - conference). Keynote Speaker. The International Conference on Intelligent Semantic Web -Services and Applications (ISWSA). Jordan 18/4/2011
  60. eGovernment Interoperability Framework in Palestine. Invited Talk. at the Service Oriented Architecture Course, Masters on eGovernment. University of Trento. Italy December, 2010
  61. Building an Arabic Ontology, for Information Search and Integration. Invited Talk. ExpoTech III, Birzeit University. Palestine 16/4/2010
  62. Web 3.0, The Third Generation of the Web. Invited Talk. ExpoTech III, Birzeit University. Palestine 16/4/2010
  63. Mechanisms of Connecting IT Colleges in the Fields of Research and Teaching. Invited Talk. Workshop on Evaluation of IT curriculum in Palestinian universities. Arab American University of Jenin. Palestine 28/3/2010
  64. Legal Ontology Engineering. Tutorial. Institute of Law, Birzeit University. Palestine 2009
  65. Ontology-Based e-Governance. Invited Talk. e-government Course. Birzeit University. Palestine 17/12/2009
  66. A Data Mashup Language for the Data Web. Invited Talk. IFIP 2.6 Research Workshop. Nicosia, Cyprus 24/4/2009
  67. A Data Mashup Language for the Data Web. Research Talk. LDOW workshop at the WWW Conference. Madrid, Spain 20/4/2009
  68. MashQL: A Query Formulation and Mashup Language. Research Talk. University of Cyprus. Cyprus 25/2/2009
  69. Towards Data Mashups and Pipes. Research Talk. ONISW workshop at the CiKM Conference. Napa Valley, California, USA 30/10/2008
  70. MashQL: Towards Data Mashups and Pipes. Invited Talk. University of Athens. Greece 21/10/2008
  71. Web 3.0 Information Systems. Invited Talk. The “Research and Technology Course (CS671). University of Cyprus. Cyprus 19/2/2008
  72. Information Search. SEARCHiN Kick-off Meeting. Research Talk. University of Cyprus. Nicosia, Cyprus 10/12/2007
  73. Semantic Pipes -Towards Effective Information Search. SEARCHiN Kick-off Meeting). Research Talk. University of Cyprus. Cyprus 10/12/2007
  74. Web 2.0, Social Programming, Mashups -What is in it for me!. Research Talk. University of Cyprus. Cyprus 6/12/2007
  75. Formalizing ORM using the DLR and the SHOIN/OWL Description Logics. Research Talk. The International Workshop on Object-Role Modeling (ORM). Algarve, Portugal 28/11/2007
  76. Reasoning on ORM Schemes -Formalizing ORM using DLR and SHOIN/OWL. Research Talk. The International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER). Auckland, New Zealand 8/11/2007
  77. Ontology Engineering —Challenges and Opportunities. Invited Talk. University of Cyprus. Cyprus 13/9/2007
  78. ORM and Description Logic. Invited Talk. Web Information Systems Course. University of Hasselt, Belgium 19/4/2007
  79. Reasoning on ORM Schemes. Research Talk. The Dutch-Belgian Database Day. Brussels, Belgium 15/11/2006
  80. Towards the Adoption of Linguistic Resources in Formal Ontology Engineering. Invited Talk. IFIP 2.12/12.4 Research Meeting. Montpellier, France 2/11/2006
  81. The Ontology Outreach Advisory. Research Talk. The OOA Kick-off workshop on Semantic challenges and opportunities in the Human Resources Domain - As part of the ePortfolio Conference. Oxford, England 11/10/2006
  82. Towards the Notion of Gloss, and the Adoption of Linguistic Resources in Formal Ontology Engineering. Research Talk. The WWW Conference, Semantic Web Track. Edinburgh, UK 26/5/2006
  83. Unsatisfiability Reasoning Patterns in ORM Conceptual Schemes. Research Talk. The International Conference on Semantics in Networked Word (ICSNW), Munich, Germany 29/3/2006
  84. Modularization and Auto-Composition of ORM Schemes. Research Talk. The International Workshop on Object-Role Modeling (ORM). Larnaca, Cyprus 3/11/2005
  85. The Double Articulation Principle for Ontology Engineering. Research Talk. University of Trento, Italy 31/8/2005
  86. Towards Methodological Principles for Ontology Engineering. PhD Public Defense. PhD Public Defense. Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium 26/5/2005
  87. Ontology Modularization and Composition. Research Talk. Workshop on Ontology Modularization and Context. Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium 14/10/2004
  88. The Dogma Methodology for Ontology Engineering. Invited Talk. IFIP 2.6 Research Workshop. Sicily, Italy. 7/11/2003
  89. Ontology-Based Customer Complaint Management. Research Talk. Workshop on Regulatory Ontologies and the Modeling of Complaint Regulations (WORM). Catania, Sicily, Italy 4/11/2003
  90. Formal Ontology Engineering —The DOGMA Approach. Research Talk. The International Conference on Ontologies, Databases and Applications of Semantics (ODBase). Irvine, California, USA 31/10/2002
  91. A Conceptual Markup Language that Supports Interoperability between Business Rule Modeling Systems. Research Talk. The 10th International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS). Irvine, California, USA 31/10/2002
  92. A Markup Language for ORM Business Rules. Research Talk. The International Workshop on Rule Markup Languages for Business Rules on the Semantic Web, (RuleML). Sardinia, Italy 14/6/2002
  93. Decomposing Ontology into an Ontology Base and its Interpretation Layer. Research Talk. Dagstuhl Seminar No 02061: Rule Markup Techniques for the Semantic Web. Dagstuhl, Germany 3/2-8/2/2002


In the Media
reports and interviews about my research

  1. Interviews about the the Arabic Dialects Corpus (Al-JazeeraAjyaLIndependentmore..) 2023
  2. On Wiki Palestine and the Arabic Content on the Web (24FM) December, 2022
  3. On the World Arabic Language Day (Palestine TV) December, 2019
  4. Prof. Jarrar wins the Shoman Arab Researchers Award (Palestine TVQuds TVAjjyalRamallah25 more..) September, 2019
  5. Arabic and AI: Why voice-activated tech struggles in the Middle East (Middle East Eye) September, 2019
  6. Birzeit University won the Bin Rashid Arabic Language Award for its Lexicographic Search Engine (30 newspapers..) April, 2019
  7. On DNA data storage (France 24) April, 2019
  8. On the International Mother Language Day (Roya TV) February, 2019
  9. Birzeit University symposium details efforts to create Arabic search engine (15 newspapers..) February, 2019
  10. An Arabic Greeting to Birzeit University (Echorouk online • others 8 newspapers..) December, 2018
  11. An Online Arabic Dictionary Makes Its Debut (Al-Fanar Media20 newspapers..) November, 2018
  12. Reportage about the Arabic Ontology (Al Arabiya TV) September, 2018
  13. Birzeit announces linguistic search engine and the Arabic Ontology (Palestine TVPalestine TV report Quds TV FM2435 more..) September, 2018
  14. Birzeit signs MoU with ALESCO to digitize and integrate Arabic lexicons (AjjyalALECSO10 more..) December, 2017
  15. Launching the Corpus for Palestinian Dialect (Curras) (WamdaPalestine TodayAl-Iqtisadi10 more..) January, 2017
  16. UB Department of Biomedical Informatics hosts its first Fulbright scholar (UBBZU) October, 2016
  17. MoU with RedCrow to Cooperate in Computational Linguistics (press5 more..) May, 2016
  18. Interviews about digitization and engineering of dictionaries (Palestine Today TVAjjyal9 more..) March, 2016
  19. Prof. Jarrar wins Google Research Award (Palestine VoiceNisaFM24FM35 more..) February, 2016
  20. Deploying a SMART Multilingual Audio Guide in Bethlehem (Nisa FMSina40 more..) Augest, 2014
  21. Birzeit University won an EU-FP7 project in ICT Industry (15 newspapers..) October, 2013
  22. Prof. Fellbaum from Princeton Concluded her Visit to Sina Institute (press10 more..) July, 2013
  23. Celebrating the End of the e-Government Training Program (ceremony 8 newspapers) September, 2012
  24. Interviews about the First National Conference on e-Governance and e-Services (Maan TV 1Palestine TV 1Maan TV 2Palestine TV 2RayaFMAJyyal40 more..) June, 2012
  25. Birzeit Wins an EU-FP7 Project on Multilingual Knowledge Sharing Technologies (pressceremonyPalestine TV Kickoff8 newspapers) December, 2011
  26. Launching the Palestinian e-Government Interoperability Framework (ceremonymore..) 2011