An ontology-based model for Representing
"Bundle-of-rights" .
Maria-Teresa Sagri, Institute for Theory and
Techniques for Legal Information, Florence, Italy
Daniela Tiscornia, Institute
for Theory and Techniques for Legal Information, Florence,
Aldo Gangemi, Institute of Cognitive Science and Technologies,
Abstract : This paper describes
an application of the lexical resource JurWordNet and
of the Core Legal Ontology as a descriptive vocabulary
for modeling legal domains. The two resources can be
viewed as a repository of structured knowledge aimed
at supporting the content description modeling of normative
domains. In the ontological approach legal entities
are represented as conceptual units and their interrelations
are described inside the same language. Other than for
practical applications, these new forms of representation
allow exercises of computational jurisprudence, in that
they consent to formally analyze phenomena and aspects
of juridical factuality for which the general theory
of law has already created models and theories. This
contribution aims to present a preliminary analysis
of the relation among regulative units and to investigate
how further aspects linked to the description of parts
of norms and complex concepts can be represented in
an ontology-based framework. As a case study, in the
field of the Intellectual Property Right (IPR) management,
the representation of click-on licenses for re-using
Public Sector Information is presented.
- Workflow
description of digital rights management systems.
Silvia Llorente,Universitat
Pompeu Fabra, Spain Eva Rodriguez,Universitat
Pompeu Fabra, Spain Jaime Delgado, Universitat
Pompeu Fabra, Spain
: Digital Rights Management (DRM) is becoming a key issue in our highly networked world. Piracy of digital goods of any kind (music, software, video) is growing day by day. In this scenario, many companies, organisations and administration-funded projects provide solutions for the implementation of digital rights management (DRM) systems. Nevertheless, although these solutions have several points in common, they are incompatible in terms of architecture and system components. This paper analyses some of these solutions, focusing on the description of their data flow, one area where common points can be found. We propose the use of workflow modelling in order to find commonalities among data flow of DRM systems, that would allow easier implementation of new ones. The selected language for performing this modelling is OWL-S (Ontology Web Language for Services). The use of an ontology language will allow us to combine workflow modelling with ontologies defining DRM concepts.
Ontology-based e-Government Thematic Services Based on Topic
Ioannis Tsampoulatidis,Informatics & Telematics Institute,
Thermi-Thessaloniki, Greece
Dimitrios Tzovaras, Informatics & Telematics
Institute, Thermi-Thessaloniki, Greece
Michael G. Strintzis, Informatics &
Telematics Institute, Thermi-Thessaloniki, Greece
: This paper describes a novel ontology representation
scheme for emerging e-Government systems, based on XML
Topic Maps (XTMs). This scheme supports the provision
of various services to the citizens guaranteeing independence
of the knowledge between the actual sources of information
and the data representation. Ontology is considered
as an autonomous system, which acts as a linkage among
the rendered services offered by an e-Government portal
by providing and respecting the terminologies, metadata
and rules defined by the State functionaries. The proposed
ontology representation is supported by a Knowledge
Base, which includes data about repositories, document
types, domains, citizen profiles, themes for search
and retrieval and service catalogues. The XTMs are created
using a novel Topic Map Generator tool that is used
to establish the necessary rules and constraints in
the system. Finally, a use case is described in detail,
for urban planning applications show-ing the advantages
of the proposed approach.
Modeling the Tax Code.
Eric Melz, USC Information Sciences Institute,
Andre Valente, USC
Information Sciences Institute, USA
Abstract: In this paper, we
argue for the necessity of constructing an ontology
which represents the U.S. Internal Revenue Code (IRC).
Doing so would enable the construction of a broad range
of intelligent applications, including automatic auditing
software, robust on-line help systems, and tax questionanswering
systems. We examine some of the unique challenges presented
by a tax ontology and provide examples of the types
of knowledge necessary for such an ontology.
- Towards
an Ontology of Forensics covering Financial Securities Fraud.
Gang Zhao, STARLab, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
John Kingston, JBC, University of Edinburgh, Scotland
Koen Kerremans, CVC, Erasmushogeschool Brussel, Belgium
Frederick Coppens, Language & Computing NV, Belgium
Ruben Verlinden, STARLab, Vrije Universiteit Brussel,
Rita Temmerman, CVC, Erasmushogeschool Brussel, Belgium
Robert Meersman, STARLab, Vrije Universiteit Brussel,
: This paper discusses the approach and current results
in FF POIROT, a research and technology project to explore
the use of ontology technology in information systems
against financial fraud. For the development of a forensic
evidence ontology, the project focuses on use cases of
illegal solicitation of financial products through the
web and on the regulations dealing with security exchanges
that have been provided by the authority regulator. The
knowledge development within FF POIROT is based on the
DOGMA ontology paradigm, and the derived ontology engineering
methodology AKEM. The regulatory ontology engineering
process is essentially multi-disciplinary and distributed
team work along a pipeline of carefully defined tasks
and traceable deliverables. To facilitate productivity
in the regulatory ontology development, linguistic information,
machine highlighted keywords and a manually constructed
bilingual (English-Italian) terminological database, is
used to support the ontology modelling process. Tools
supporting the distributed collaborative effort and possible
applications of the regulatory ontology to facilitate
fraud detection on the web are also briefly discussed.
Extracting Legal Propositions from Appellate
Decisions with Text Discourse Analysis Methods.
Woojin Paik, Konkuk University, Koeia
Abstract : Appellate decisions
are the most important judicial documents in the Anglo-American
legal system. Typically, judges write appellate opinions
by including a summary of the facts of the case, identification
of the issues of law raised in arguments by counsel
for each of the parties, pronouncement of the legal
propositions supported by the controlling authorities,
and declaration of a decision that resolves the issues
by applying the legal propositions to the facts of the
case. The cited legal propositions are often concise
summaries of certain aspects of the previous cases or
the Federal or State codes, which are applicable to
the current case in consideration. In this paper, we
describe how a text discourse analysis program can be
used to categorize each sentence in the appellate decisions
as one or more of the discourse categories such as �facts�,
�issues�, �legal propositions�, and �decisions�. We
also show how an information extraction program is applied
to the sentences belonging to the �legal proposition�
category to build a visually browsable legal knowledge
- Automatic classification
and analysis of provisions in Italian legal texts: a
case study.
Roberto Bartolini, Istituto di Linguistica
Computazionale, CNR, Italy Alessandro Lenci, Universita'
di Pisa,Italy
Simonetta Montemagni, Istituto di Linguistica
Computazionale, CNR, Italy
Vito Pirrelli, Istituto di
Linguistica Computazionale, CNR, Italy
Claudia Soria,
Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale, CNR, Italy
Abstract : In this paper we
address the problem of automatically enriching legal
texts with semantic annotation, which is considered
to be an essential pre-requisite for effective indexing
and retrieval of legal documents. We present SALEM (Semantic
Annotation for LEgal Management), a system developed
for automatically producing a semantic annotation of
Italian law texts. SALEM is a semantically oriented
system that uses techniques of NLP to perform two tasks:
i) to classify law paragraphs according to their regulatory
content, and ii) to extract relevant text fragments
corresponding to specific semantic roles that are relevant
for the different types of regulatory content. The paper
describes the overall architecture of SALEM and reports
about the results of a preliminary case study carried
out on a sample of law texts; finally, further direction
of research are discussed, with specific emphasis on
prospective applications of the system.
Modelling Changes in Ontologies.
Johann Eder, University of Klagenfurt,
Christian Koncilia, University of Klagenfurt, Austria
Abstract: Ontologies are shared
conceptualizations of certain domains. Especially in legal
and regulatory ontologies modifications like the passing
of a new law, decisions by high courts, new insights by
scholars, etc. have to be considered. Otherwise, we would
not be able to identify which knowledge (which ontology)
was valid at an arbitrary timepoint in the past. And without
this knowledge we would for instance not be able to identify
why a user came to a specific decision. In this paper
we will show how a simple ontology description formalism,
namely a directed graph, has to be extended to represent
changing knowledge. Furthermore, we will present the operations
that are necessary to manipulate such an ontology. Finally,
we will discuss different implementation approaches.
Cases and dialectical arguments: An
approach to case-based reasoning.
Bram Roth, Universiteit Maastricht, Netherlands
Bart Verheij, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Netherlands
Abstract : Case-based reasoning
in the law is a reasoning strategy in which legal conclusions
are supported by decisions made by judges. If the case
at hand is � in some sense � analogous to a settled
case, then by judicial authority one can argue that
the settled case should be followed. As a result, in
the case at hand the same conclusion then holds as in
the settled case. Case-based reasoning is a topic where
ontology meets logic since one�s conception of cases
determines one�s conception of reasoning with cases.
In the paper, it is shown how reasoning with cases can
be modelled by comparing the dialectical arguments that
cases give rise to. This paper addresses two aspects
of case-based reasoning that should be captured by any
formal model of this reasoning strategy. It is argued
that one should be able to account not only for the
conclusions that follow by comparison with settled cases,
but also for the reasoning patterns along which the
conclusions follow (such as analogising or distinguishing).
Then a formal theory of case-based legal reasoning is
explained and illustrated with examples. A method is
used for representing dialectical structure of cases
explicitly. A special feature thereby is that factors
can be entangled, that is, a factor can support or attack
that another factor is a reason. With the help of the
dialectical case representations, reasoning by case
comparison can be presented as a (generalised variant)
of reasoning a fortiori. A unique characteristic of
this approach is its explicit recognition that in the
law it is to some extent contingent which case features
are relevant for case comparison. In other words, different
case features can in principle be treated as relevant
for the purpose of comparing cases. Moreover, the relevant
case features can be stated at different levels of abstraction.
The formal theory captures not only the conclusions
that follow by case comparison, but also some typical
reasoning patterns. In particular, a number of reasoning
patterns are presented that exploit the contingency
of the case features relevant for case comparison: emphasising
and downplaying differences and similarities between
cases. The formal theory is compared to other existing
approaches to reasoning by case comparison. In particular,
the comparison with these approaches addresses their
relative emphasis on the conclusions that follow, and
on the reasoning patterns along which the conclusions

Dates |
- 4/July: Papers
- 4/Aug: Notification
- 20/Aug: Camera Ready |
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