We present a novel approach to support multilingual verbalization of logical theories, ontologies, conceptual models and other specifications such as business rules. This engineering solution is demonstrated with the Object Role Modeling language ORM, although its underlying principles can be reused with other conceptual models and formal languages, such as Description Logics, to improve its understandability and usability by the domain expert. Our engineering solution for multilingual verbalization is characterized by its flexibility, extensibility and maintainability of the verbalization templates, which allow for easy augmentation with other languages than the 10 currently supported. Please read this article for further details.

Supported languages:
Arabic (Technical report)
Catalan (Technical report / Reporte Tecnico)
Dutch (Technical report)
English (Technical report)
French (Technical report)
German (Technical report / Technischer Report)
Italian (Technical report / Report Tecnico)
Lithuanian (Technical report / Technine Ataskaita)
Russian (Technical report)
Spanish (Technical report / Reporte Tecnico)
Mustafa Jarrar
Maria Keet
Paolo Dongilli
Andriy Lisovoy
Hai Nguyen Hoang
Núria Casellas
Juozas Gordevicius
Vladislav Ryzhikov

For more information, such as the DogmaModeler tool, please contact: Mustafa Jarrar